My name is Rosita Dennis and I’m the activities coordinator at an assisted living called West Lafayette Assisted Living. We service the disabled and elderly at our facility. One of my residents is a very special retired veteran who served our country heroically in the Vietnam war. His name is David. David has an old Chevrolet Colorado that is starting to fall apart and has really high miles, so high that the car could break down at any moment. David is so kind. He is always running errands for the other residents in our facility. He is a very giving person who not only gave to our country but continues to give to his neighbors in our assisted living community. I know you have never had a veteran win this contest, but my hope and prayer are that you will consider David for this life changing blessing. He has always been there for others his whole life and now I am hoping the community can be there for him. Retired Veterans in this economy these days have it hard. Many, like David, live on a small, fixed income so purchasing a dream car is out of scope. Working civilians always have the opportunity to improve their income and employment and thus purchase a new car but when you are a retired, disabled veteran, it is only a dream out of reach. David having a new car would be life changing for him, because it would not only help him to continue servicing others but it would help him with his personal appointments as well. This miracle of kindness would be a great blessing and light in David’s life because as a war hero, he has seen so much darkness. David’s dream car is a Chevy Impala. Please consider honoring this deserving war hero by making his dream a reality this Christmas.