Car for Aryss, Kailand, and Chevy

Aryss Gayden

Hello, my name is Darryl Gayden and I am the father of Aryss and grandpa to Kailand who is 6, and Chevy, who is 4yrs old. My daughter needs, not only a new car, but a car of her own. She currently uses my 2013 Chevy Cruze, which has a view issues to get to work, physical therapy for Kailand, and everywhere else. Unfortunately, she is not making enough money at her job as a teachers aid in Crete-Monee School district to afford a car. Plus, she also has a few credit issues. She’s a struggling mother of 2, who lives with me and a new car would be a life changing experience for here and her 2 sons, and for me as well. Me being her dad, hate to she her struggle so I do my best to help her until she can manage things better for herself.

Homewood Chevy Cares 41.5616427, -87.6355037.