Greetings Mr. Phillipos and Homewood Chevy staff! I was wondering, how do YOU define selfless? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines selfles as: having no concern for self or unselfish. In our home, selfless is defined as “Craig or Dad”. You see, Craig is my loving, sacrificing husband. HOW exactly is Craig selfless, you ask? Even after losing his job, he sacrifices every single ounce of his being for his family with zero questions asked, no matter how long it takes. Whatever we need, he’s going to always put his head down and knock it out. When Father’s Day comes around and we try to give him a token of our appreciation, he always grumbles, “please return that…you don’t get a cookie for being a good husband & father, I’m supposed to be that for you guys”. As our four, quickly growing children begin to get involved into various activities, operating with one vehicle can require some real creativity. Lastly, while we are MOST grateful for the vehicle we have, our current vehicle is 10 years old and our family could really benefit from the car in your generous annual giveaway. I bid you and yours all the best, Candice Edwards and Family.