I would be forever grateful to be gifted this vehicle because this will be the tangible asset to keeping my family together. It would allow me to see my loved ones more often local and out of state. I would be able to see my dad more often since he lives an hour plus away from me. This vehicle will allow me to pick up my mom from work to ensure her safety and to make sure she won’t be subjected to inclement weather. My vehicle broke down this summer and I couldn’t afford to fix it so I had to junk it. I don’t have any money to purchase a vehicle at the moment. I keep getting turned down by dealerships due to my poor credit. I’m desperately trying to obtain another source of income so I can be self sufficient. This vehicle will allow me to work for rideshare companies to obtain more income so I won’t be at the brink of homelessness and the harsh reality of this economy. With this vehicle, I don’t have to worry about being at the mercy of other people since other people have obligations to fulfill on their own.